Languages: English Türkçe

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Students who will graduate from this program can mostly be employed in the following institutions and organizations:

1-Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorates

2-Civil Defense Search and Rescue Directorates

3-In the fire departments of municipalities

4-Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organizations

5-In organizations related to disaster management in international organizations

In addition, disaster and emergency situations in all relevant units and branches of the General Directorate of Emergency Health Services of the Ministry of Health (especially in the Disaster and Emergency Management Department), public and private hospitals, Disaster Coordination Center (AKOM) in Metropolitan Municipalities, Ambulance Services, Public Institutions. Graduates of Pedagogical Formation training can work as teachers in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, in the Command and Control Centers where coordination and management are carried out, in non-governmental organizations related to disasters and emergencies, the Disaster Operations Center (AFOM) and all other units related to disasters.