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The following definition was approved by the IFSW and IASSW General Assembly in 2014.

Global Definition of Social Work

"Social service; It is a practice-based profession and academic discipline that supports social change and development, social integration, empowerment and emancipation of people. It places the principles of social work, social justice, human rights, common responsibility and respect for differences. Supported by social work theories, humanities, social sciences and local knowledge, social work works with people and structures to combat life challenges and improve well-being. This definition of social work can be developed at national and / or regional levels. ”

Objectives: Based on the principles of human rights and social justice, having ethical sensitivity, recognizing the society in which they live, sensitive and open to scientific developments, principled in professional issues, having the skills to increase the social functionality of the client, having the skills of professional interviewing and reporting, researching and learning social resources use research in the interests of the client, use effective interdisciplinary studies, support social change, solve problems, strengthen and liberate human relationships in order to improve people's well-being and intervene in the interaction of people with their environment by using theories related to human behavior and social systems. The aim of this course is to educate social workers who determine the deficiencies in practice and produce social policies and contribute to their development.